Friday, January 14, 2011

Ancient Mushroom For Beauty & Health

Tremella Mushroom, with its large loose lobes, is very popular in Chinese cuisine for it's healing properties and also is known to beautify the skin.

Tremella Mushroom, specifically Tremella fuciformis, also called Silver Ear Mushroom, is used in Asia as a Qi and immune tonic. Tremella mushroom is also highly prized as a youthful skin tonic for a healthy complexion. It is said that imperial Concubine Yang Guifei (719-756), considered to be the most beautiful woman in Chinese history, used tremella mushroom for her facial and body maintenance. When asked what her secret to beauty was, she stated, "Tremella Mushroom."

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Where Do You Get Your Protein?"

Whole plant foods contain every single essential amino acid for human health and growth.

That is because plants make all 20 amino acids [SOURCE] [SOURCE 2]therefore we obtain all 20 when we eat them, including the 8 (some say 9 now) essential ones. Humans and animals are only able to synthesize 12 of the 20 amino acids and need to obtain the rest from plants or animals (who intially obtained all their essential amino acids from plants)

When eating plants, you don't need to worry about getting "complete protein". And it's not necessary to combine specific protein foods at one sitting to make a complete protein. This is a myth as current science has now proven. All plant based foods have varying amounts of protein and the body will combine proteins from all sources, to get all the "complete protein" that it needs.

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A Reminder: Perfection is Never Real

This is my reminder never to feel inadequate when you look at photos of "perfect" people.

because perfection is never real.

Whether it is heavy airbrushing, zapping zits, brightening eyes, contouring or more aggressively removing some unwanted back fat and pushing the eyes two inches apart so that the face appears more doll like- it happens.

Images are nipped and tucked and shaded and brightened and trimmed and filled out and flattened and rounded and smoothed, down to the last hair on the stomach and the veins in the hands. In the end, we see a reflection of someone not even the model can claim as their own.

The Lost Boys of Aamjiwnaang

It may be the leading edge of a chemically induced crisis that could make men an endangered species.

On an Indian reserve in Canada, surrounded by dozens of pollution-spewing chemical plants, girls rule the day-care centers, the playgrounds, the sports teams. The reason: For the past 15 years, fewer and fewer boys are being born.

Once there was a boys hockey team on the reservation.

No longer. There aren't enough boys.

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Eat Your Way To Young Skin

You really can eat your way to a younger looking skin. And the even better news is that it doesn’t take long to do it.

While it could take months of working out to change your body, even slightly, your skin is one area where you can make a noticeable difference to the way you look, fast. For most, it takes about two weeks.

So, how do you eat yourself to younger-looking skin?

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Treat Your Candida Successfully

Candida is the short name used to describe yeast overgrowth in the body.

The technical term is Candidiasis. Like their “cousins” the molds, they live all around us. One family “Candida Albicans” lives in all mucus membranes, i.e. intestines, eyes, ears, bladder, stomach, lungs, vagina, etc. It is one of the billions of friendly organisms that serve a useful purpose in the body. One of its important functions is to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria. However, candida is not intended to overgrow and get out of control while the body is alive. This is only intended to happen when the body dies, when it’s function and characteristics change, in order to break down the body.

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The Amazing Benefits of Sprouts

Sprouts are a powerhouse of nutrition. They have been grown by many civilizations over the past 5,000 years.

Research shows that sprouts are a veritable fountain of youth. They rate as the freshest and most nutritious of all vegetables available to the human diet. Sprouts abound with antioxidants, they are full of protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Broccoli sprouts have been found to contain 50 times as much of the antioxidant sulfurophane as mature broccoli. Wheatgrass is the closest substance to hemoglobin known and is therefore a phenomenal blood purifier and detoxifier.

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Spotlight On: The Godfather of Fitness

"Remember this: your body is your slave; it works for you" -Jack LaLanne

Jack LaLanne is the ultimate example of a Self Master and a Physical Fitness Genius, often called the Godfather of Fitness. He is currently ninety six years old and still bursting with vitality and health from his strict fitness regimen and healthy diet which includes no sugar, and hasn't for 80 years. He was literally decades ahead of his time. Almost every health principle he preached back in the 50's and 60's has been proven by science in recent years. Furthermore, almost every important weight machine in modern gyms, and actually used by bodybuilders, was his invention decades ago (including pulley, Smith and leg extension machines to name a few). And it is important to note that he had an incredible physique decades before steroids.

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Diminsh & Remove Age Spots

What causes age spots? The sun does.

As we age our skin is subjected to more and more sun damage. Our skin has what is called ‘melanin pigment’ which absorbs sunlight and helps naturally protect our skin from UV rays. However as we age, our skin's natural ability to fend off UV rays from the sun begins to deteriorate, and as a result, we see the development of age spots.

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One of the World's Oldest Foods

Scientists are confirming some of the positive attributes of spirulina. It has been claimed to reverse aging, increase energy, and help combat changes in insulin.

Spirulina is a blue green algae that grows in the alkaline waters of volcanic lakes. Today though, large commercial algae farms cultivate spirulina for export throughout the world.

It has a long history of being used for human consumption for its many health benefits. Over the years, spirulina has nourished the citizens of Africa, Asia, and South America. The Mayas and the Aztecs used the algae as a central part of their diet. Today, spirulina is consumed by health conscious people all over the world.

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Transformations from Diet Changes

Change your diet, change your life!

In this article I've compiled a huge list of before and afters; people who have made substantial diet changes and gained tremendous health benefits in the process. They have transformed not only their health, but the way they feel, look, the way they think and basically everything about their lives. I hope these can be a huge inspiration to everyone! And for you to live to your fullest potential if you are not already.

Read on to see the before and afters!

Facial Rejuvenation For Mature Skin

None of us wants to see our faces get older looking. Facial rejuvenation is a very appealing concept.

The definition of rejuvenate is to restore to a youthful condition. To be effective a facial rejuvenation procedure must restore our face to a younger looking face. True facial rejuvenation requires not only tightening of the skin but also restoring the skin surface to a more youthful appearance.

Read on to learn of a few facial rejuvenation techniques

How to Get Beautiful & Thick(er) Hair

The secret to healthy, thick hair can be found with a few specific foods and supplements.

In the book Eating for Beauty, by David Wolfe, David shares with us particular foods that contain high amounts of what he calls ‘beauty minerals’, such as sulfur, silica, zinc and iron. One can eat foods which are high in these minerals to support hair health.

Read on to learn more about these minerals, and others supplements to thicken hair.

Spotlight On: 75 Yr Old Raw Marathonian

In 1982, at the age of 47, Ruth Heidrich got the shock of her life. She was diagnosed with breast cancer.

At the time, she considered herself healthy and fit. After all, she ran marathons and ate what was considered a healthy diet. After a modified radical mastectomy to remove the tumor, she was told by not 1 but 5 different doctors that her tumor was life threatening and there was nothing they knew to do to strengthen her immune system. As she would later discover, the cancer had spread to her bones and one lung.

Fortunately for Heidrich, she was an avid reader and researcher, and found that Dr. John McDougall was doing a study on the effects of diet on breast cancer. She paid him a visit, and was told “If you want to save your life, change your diet.” On the spot, she decided she’d rather change her diet than undergo chemotherapy and radiation, joined Dr. McDougall’s study and adopted a vegan, low-fat diet.

She states “In two hours I went directly from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to a low-fat, whole food vegan diet.”